Our Pastoral Support


Our Pastoral Care Team who are able to support all our families through parent groups, specific intervention, advice for parents and staff and signposting to other useful agencies. 

Our team follow a Therapeutic approach to support all pupils with any pastoral need.  Our team meet regularly (every three weeks) to discuss our pastoral caseload, and plan support for our children and families whether affected by anxiety, behavioural needs, separation/divorce, bereavement or other pastoral need.

Our two Deputy Head Teachers and Pastoral Support Worker are trained in ‘Therapeutic Thinking’ a local government initiative that supports pupils in a therapeutic way so that we work towards all pupils display pro-social behaviours on a daily basis. 

What do we offer?

Pastoral Care Support Team

The group track  attendance and help signpost to services and necessary intervention. This could also include providing support to families and children in a number of   different ways such as; after school clubs, uniform, resources.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

Our ELSA is available to any pupils who need additional Emotional Support and this is a highly effective    intervention to remove social barriers to learning. 

Family and Pastoral Lead

Our Family and Pastoral lead works with families within the school to support strategies at home with behaviour, housing worries, anxiety, and many other topics.

Incredible Years Parenting Course

This is a course that is essential for any parent and is an excellent opportunity for network and  support.  There are a number of opportunities throughout the year to access this course.

Sign Posting to other agencies

The team may suggest that you as a family or your child are signposted to other helpful services that are specialists of emotional support, such as; The Emotional Health Academy, Camhs, The Therapeutic Thinking Team, and a number of other services.

Referral System

All Pastoral Care referrals are triaged by the team and support and advice provided.  If you have a concern about your child’s emotional well-being then please speak with their teacher who will make the referral to the team.

Helping your child at home

There are many ways in which you can help your child with difficulties at home.  The team have created some parent and child packs to support a number of emotional well-being themes.  These are accessible below.

Here are some other useful resources;

Experienced the following, take a look below;