Computing and E-Safety

Learning / Our Curriculum

At John Rankin Schools, our aim is to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to thrive in a digital world.

Our computing curriculum and policy enables us to reach out and connect with our young people, safely and securely.With every new release or update comes a new risk or element to be aware of. Government guidance across the UK highlights the importance of safeguarding pupils from harmful and inappropriate online material. This includes material accessed through devices such as computers, laptops, tablets and mobile phones, as well as platforms such as social media and online games.

Our whole school approach to e-safety helps ensure staff, governors and parents are able to teach children, including those with additional needs, about staying safe when using internet technologies. It also helps make sure all pupils themselves know how to behave responsibly online.

Never before has it been so important for young people and for those of us who work with young people to be kept safe online, and in every other form of e-communication.

Please refer to the following for advice:

JRS Computing Intent

At John Rankin Schools, our aim is to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to thrive in a digital world. The subject aims to develop pupils’ computational thinking, problem-solving abilities, digital literacy, creativity, and understanding of digital systems. The Computing curriculum is designed to enable pupils to use technology safely, responsibly, and ethically, while fostering a lifelong interest in learning about technology. We believe that computing is not only a subject in its own right but also a tool that can enhance learning across the curriculum.